So many times as Christians, we have preconceived notions about what a blessing should look like that when it comes wrapped in a different package, we dismiss it. We fail to understand that God’s blessings are so many times subtle and quiet as they make their entrance into our lives. Further, sometimes blessings come in the form of disappointment and pain. However, what we think is meant to hurt us is oftentimes God working in our lives and blessing us. Closed doors that seem to cause so much frustration are often what lead us to the open door and opportunity that God has for us. We often miss out on seeing God’s power because we are not sensitive enough to discern when and how God is working. John 1: 9 says that He [God] was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” Imagine that! The Creator of the Universe walked among us human beings and we failed to notice him. God’s own people, the Jews, expected a different type of Messiah. They believed that their Messiah would be a man of royalty, riches, and power. They believed that when He came, He would solve all their problems and restore the kingdom of Israel immediately. They didn’t expect a humble carpenter from Nazareth who spoke of another coming kingdom. I guess you can say that the “package” was wrapped differently than what they expected; therefore, they ended up missing out on knowing the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It’s so easy to judge them, but are we not guilty of the same thing at times? God is working on your behalf at this very moment, right in front of your eyes, but are you failing to see his blessings because of your idea of how God should work? If so, I encourage you to ask God to open your spiritual eyes. Ask Him to help you see. When your spiritual eyes are opened, you will realize that all of heaven’ blessings are poured out on you and that God has been working on your behalf all along. You will realize that His ways are better than your ways and His thoughts better than your thoughts. My prayer is that your eyes are already being opened so that you can see what God is doing in your life right now. I leave you with one of my favorite songs/videos by Laura Story which says it all:
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