
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

From Hard Times to Harder Times

God told Moses that He heard the cry of the Israelites who were in bondage in Egypt and that He was sending him to go and free the people. When Moses spoke to Pharaoh to let the people go, Pharaoh not only refused, but He punished the Israelites by giving them more work and punishing them when they couldn't produce enough bricks.  The Israelites became even more discouraged and angry at Moses because they blamed him for the additional cruelty they had to endure, not knowing that God was planning their powerful and glorious exit from Egypt while they were busy murmuring.   What I find interesting is that from the time that God spoke to Moses about the great exodus and the actual exodus itself, it seems that things got harder rather than easier for the Israelites which seems strange since we already know God was about to deliver them.   Their workload and punishment increased to the point that that Bible says that the Israelites refused to listen to Moses because they were in "anguish of spirit"  (Exodus chap. 6 v. 9).  Even Moses began to get confused.  Why would God tell him one thing then not act on the promise?   God then tells Moses, "Now, you will see what I will do to Pharaoh for with a strong hand shall he let them go and with strong hand shall he drive them out of his land" (Exodus chap. 6, v 1).  Basically, God was saying that the reason the situation became harder because their deliverance would be that much greater.  Here are my main points in a nutshell:

1. Sometimes God allows the situation to get worse before it gets better so that you can trust Him more and His deliverance can be that much more grand and powerful.  The more powerful, the more glory God gets.
2.  Stop complaining.  Your weakness is God's strength. Before you can come forth as gold, you must go through the fire.  Purification and purging come before blessing.

God bless,



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