As a little girl, I remember so often wishing that I was a grown-up. I wanted to control my own life, have my own money, my own car and cute little apartment or cottage, and be able to make adult decisions. Well, I grew up. I have all those things now, but sometimes, it's easy to feel alone and like the world is on my shoulders. I've traded in care-free days laying in my mama's arms and not having any worries for juggling a career, monthly bills, having to maintain relationships, facing the wonderful world of "people issues," and the responsibility of taking care of me. I'll admit that sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed. Sometimes I wish I could be a little girl again and not have any responsibilities, but unfortunately, we can't turn back time. I just keep pushing forward, knowing that God is with me and He is my ultimate provider and the one that truly takes care of me. As I thought about this yesterday, I asked God, did you ever feel this way during your time here on earth? My mind was immediately taken to a portion of scripture that I have read very often,
"And Jesus said...“Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” When I read this, I get the sense that Jesus Christ sought rest for His soul in the midst of a hectic world. As a man, he got tired. Wouldn't you if you were constantly serving people, casting out devils, and doing signs, wonders and miracles? He didn't have the luxury of relying on his parents anymore. He simply had to rely on God. Often times, we too look for a place of rest in this crazy world, but the only place we will find it is in Jesus Christ. Looking elsewhere will leave us empty. Friends will come and go and family relationships will evolve with seasons, but the one true constant is Him. Don't get me wrong, we will always have people in our lives that we can turn to (ie. parents, siblings, friends), but they are not responsible for us. There comes a point where we must take responsiblity for ourselves. Even if you're married and have children, you will still feel that sense of responsiblity, and at times, weight on your shoulders. My sister who is married with two children under the age of five, is finishing up her masters degree,and works as a full-time teacher librarian says that sometimes she gets overwhelmed with all her responsiblities. She and I giggle as we remember our high-school years when our greatest worry was bringing home a bad grade. If you are single and on your own, you might feel that longing for a sense of home. Here is my encouragement for you. God is there there to give you that sense of "home" when you feel homesick. He is there to give you that sense of family if you don't have one. He is also there to give you that sense of wholeness when you feel lonely. Jesus may have had no place to lay his head, but the good news for us is that because of His sacrifice, we have a place to lay our heads down. We have a place of rest in Him. Its simply up to us to find it. May you and I always find it. :)
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