Today at work, a guest teacher approached me with a hug and a prayer. This precious woman is always offering me encouraging words and when I sprained my ankle earlier this month, she prayed the prayer of faith right there in the principal's office. I admire her boldness. Today she had a treat for me. She invited me to her house because she had a book that she wanted to give me. The book is called
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. It is a 365-day devotional with a Bible reading plan and some beautiful prayers. I must say that I have never really been into these kind of books because I'm not really into short little one-page devotionals- I like long stories. Yet, I found myself really into this little book. The devotion for today really spoke to me as it reminded me to keep trusting in God for direction in my life. Further, the story of the author brought such encouragement to me because her calling is similar to mine. This book is going to be my new little friend. I encourage you to purchase it. Here is a little excerpt from the book. Enjoy!
Softy I Announce My Presence
hues of radiance tap gently at your consciousness, seeking entrance.
Though I have all Power in heaven and on earth, I am infinitely tender
with you. The weaker you are, the more gently I approach you. Let your
weakness be a door to My Presence.Whenever you feel inadequate, remember
that I am your ever-present Help. Hope
in Me, and you will be protected from depression and self-pity. Hope is
like a golden cord connecting you to heaven. The more you cling to
this cord, the more I bear the weight of your burdens; thus, you are
lightened. Heaviness is not of My kingdom. Cling to hope, and My rays of
Light will reach you through the darkness.
Psalm 46:1; Romans 12:12; Roman s 15:13
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