
Thursday, December 31, 2015

This Blog

It has been quite a while since I published any new posts, but I guess it was a reflection of what I was going through spiritually. This past year has been hard, maybe the hardest in my Christian walk. They say that it is easier to preach ten sermons than to live just one.  My blog posts for the last couple of years were meant for those facing hurt and pain and it was easy to give encouragement to others, but going through my own disappointments and hurts, I found it hard to encourage myself with the words I had penned. The awesome part is that I made it through the year, I still love Jesus, and am stronger than I ever was before. New lessons were learned and my faith was strengthened. God is ever faithful! I've decided to come back to my writing and simply share my ever progressing faith. Here is to 2016!

Remembering that God always finishes what He starts,


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