"And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had." Luke 21:1-4
During the holiday season, it's super easy to get wrapped up in all the materialism and forget the true meaning of this wonderful holiday called Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I love to give and receive gifts, but we can't forget about the birth of the most important person this world will ever know, Jesus Christ. So, it is with this in mind that I pose a very important question- what will we give to the King this Christmas? What could we possibly bring to the King who has everything. The answer is so simple. YOU. He wants you. He wants ALL of you. Not just a couple of Sundays here and there, a couple of prayers when you need him, some praises when your time permits. He wants ALL of you. He wants your mind, body, soul, your time, family, house, cars, job, education, your desires, your will, your thoughts, your commitment, your total surrender, everything about you, even your very own life. He wants ALL of you. He will not settle for just a small portion of you. The widow mentioned in Luke gave everything she had, even though it didn't seem like much to others. It wasn't the quantity, it was the quality of what she gave to the Lord. She gave all of her heart with that offering. You may feel like you don't have much to bring to the Lord, but if you bring all that you have, your offering will be pleasing to God. You may feel like a walking mess, a fragmented man or woman, a broken person, but God still wants all of you. The woman of Luke gave from her poverty (physical and spiritual), but God still wanted her gift. It was one of the richest gifts one could give- all of what they had. Its a bit easier to give God when you are living in abundance, but it takes a true, sincere, genuine believer to give of themselves when they are facing trials and tribulations. Christ gave us all of himself. In return, we should not hold back from doing the same. So again, I pose the question, what will you give to the King of Kings this Christmas?
Merry Christmas!
April Abigail
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