It has been quite a while since I published any new posts, but I guess it was a reflection of what I was going through spiritually. This past year has been hard, maybe the hardest in my Christian walk. They say that it is easier to preach ten sermons than to live just one. My blog posts for the last couple of years were meant for those facing hurt and pain and it was easy to give encouragement to others, but going through my own disappointments and hurts, I found it hard to encourage myself with the words I had penned. The awesome part is that I made it through the year, I still love Jesus, and am stronger than I ever was before. New lessons were learned and my faith was strengthened. God is ever faithful! I've decided to come back to my writing and simply share my ever progressing faith. Here is to 2016!
Remembering that God always finishes what He starts,
Pearls of Wisdom
Life lessons, reflections, and prayers
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Unleashing Your Gift
"The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great." Proverbs 18:15-16
For the past week, my 8th grade class has been examining the reform movement that swept across the United States in the 1800s and early 1900s. We've been looking at the women's suffrage movement and the anti-slavery, abolitionist movement. It's been inspiring to read the stories of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Harriet Tubman, to name a few. Each of them took up the fight for women's suffrage, to end slavery, or both by using the gifts God had given them. Some fought using their voice to give speeches, some fought with their pen, writing passionate articles or writing controversial books, some of which were banned. Some protested in the streets while some went into politics to affect change in society. Each did something different, but each DID something. It is so empowering to see ordinary people fight for what they believed in using their God-given gifts. They could have been selfish and chosen to remain comfortable and complacent, but they chose to give their entire life to the cause, even being persecuted for their courageous actions.
As I discussed this with my students, it occurred to me that I have some of the most amazing students who are already gifted with some of the most awesome talents. I have writers in my classroom, artists (they'll blow your socks off), passionate speakers, technology geniuses, actors/actresses, and so many others. I encouraged them to release their talents and to use them to bless others. As I spoke to them, I felt my own gifts being released in me- the power to encourage, the power to write, the power to speak to people who are broken.
My encouragement to you today is to release those gifts with which God has empowered you. Some of you might be telling yourself that you do not possess any talents, but you are wrong. Your talent may not be fully revealed to you, but it's there, waiting to be unburied from your passionate soul. It's there waiting to be noticed. What makes you happy? What do you feel a strong desire to do? Notice I didn't ask what you are good at. Sometimes, our gifts and talents must be nurtured and practiced before they can be great. In essence, your gifts and talents may need to be developed more. Although I know writing is my gift, I know I have a long ways to go before I'm a great writer. However, I am willing to practice writing, take classes, learn from other great writers, and willing to make errors so that I can learn from them. Lastly, although you can use your talent for any purpose, consider using it for a meaningful and lasting cause like the cause of Jesus Christ. He gave you your gifts so use them to glorify him. When you use your gifts for Him and unto Him, he will develop your talent in ways you could never imagine. I leave you with this quote:
Your talent is God's gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God. ~Leo Buscaglio
Please watch this inspiring video of Maria Chiossi whose gift is to make music:
For the past week, my 8th grade class has been examining the reform movement that swept across the United States in the 1800s and early 1900s. We've been looking at the women's suffrage movement and the anti-slavery, abolitionist movement. It's been inspiring to read the stories of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Harriet Tubman, to name a few. Each of them took up the fight for women's suffrage, to end slavery, or both by using the gifts God had given them. Some fought using their voice to give speeches, some fought with their pen, writing passionate articles or writing controversial books, some of which were banned. Some protested in the streets while some went into politics to affect change in society. Each did something different, but each DID something. It is so empowering to see ordinary people fight for what they believed in using their God-given gifts. They could have been selfish and chosen to remain comfortable and complacent, but they chose to give their entire life to the cause, even being persecuted for their courageous actions.
As I discussed this with my students, it occurred to me that I have some of the most amazing students who are already gifted with some of the most awesome talents. I have writers in my classroom, artists (they'll blow your socks off), passionate speakers, technology geniuses, actors/actresses, and so many others. I encouraged them to release their talents and to use them to bless others. As I spoke to them, I felt my own gifts being released in me- the power to encourage, the power to write, the power to speak to people who are broken.
My encouragement to you today is to release those gifts with which God has empowered you. Some of you might be telling yourself that you do not possess any talents, but you are wrong. Your talent may not be fully revealed to you, but it's there, waiting to be unburied from your passionate soul. It's there waiting to be noticed. What makes you happy? What do you feel a strong desire to do? Notice I didn't ask what you are good at. Sometimes, our gifts and talents must be nurtured and practiced before they can be great. In essence, your gifts and talents may need to be developed more. Although I know writing is my gift, I know I have a long ways to go before I'm a great writer. However, I am willing to practice writing, take classes, learn from other great writers, and willing to make errors so that I can learn from them. Lastly, although you can use your talent for any purpose, consider using it for a meaningful and lasting cause like the cause of Jesus Christ. He gave you your gifts so use them to glorify him. When you use your gifts for Him and unto Him, he will develop your talent in ways you could never imagine. I leave you with this quote:
Your talent is God's gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God. ~Leo Buscaglio
Please watch this inspiring video of Maria Chiossi whose gift is to make music:
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Habits and Attitudes...or Habitudes
This verse really spoke to me last night about some of the bad habits we form in our daily life (ie. eating habits, sleeping habits, habits in how we spend our leisure time etc.):
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.....I Corinthians 6:12
So the question is what things in our life are we allowing to control us, distract us, and to be a hindrance to us? Which habits are we allowing into our lives which are not helping us? We know that God gives us free will. We also know that many of the things that we do are not sinful, but many of them are not helpful either. The verse goes on to say that our bodies are for God only. The purpose for our bodies is to bring glory to God (v. 13) not for our own pleasure. If we look at many of our habits, they are responsible for bringing us down. Think of one habit you have and ask yourself- how does this make me better? If it doesn't, ditch it. I know it's easier said than done. However, think about it. Your future is already being built by your attitudes and your habits of today. Build wisely.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
An Invitation from the Master Artist
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." Romans 1:20
Have you ever stared into the sky at night and let the bright stars amaze you? How about staring at the deep blue ocean's horizon and wondering how far it stretches? Ever imagine the places that lie beyond it? Have you ever seen the first leaves of fall float to the ground in their beautiful bronze colors? The intricate parts of the human body- have you ever thought about how every little part of our body works together so perfectly to keep us alive? It's all God. How can it be anything else? Big-bang theory? I highly doubt it. How could it produce such a sacred thing called life? Every single part is woven together so perfectly, it had to be the work of a great artist. You may not know Him, but he does exist. If he made everything so beautiful so He must surely have a plan for your life. Ever thought about giving Him a try? It's as simple as speaking the words God I want to know you. Those words will change your life because they will summon the God of all creation into your life. Do it. I promise, He will be everything you want Him to be and more.
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I took this picture in Huntington Beach in February 2014. |
Monday, March 31, 2014
He Loves Me....He Loves Me Not?
I'll keep it simple. No matter where you are in life, no matter what you have or don't have, no matter what you do or don't do, no matter who you are or who you're not- God loves you! In a powerful message from our pastor yesterday, I was reminded once again that nothing can separate you or myself from the Love of God. I've always wondered why marriage is one of those institutions that God holds so dearly. I ponder how when God came robed in flesh, He basically loosed us from so many OT rituals by fulfilling the Law. However, marriage is one institution that he continued to uphold. He even took it a step further. In the OT, he allowed for divorce because of the hardness of man's heart. A man could divorce his wife or put her away for some pretty silly reasons. However, in the NT, we see that the only way He allowed for divorce was for the reason of unfaithfulness or infidelity. He definitely tightened the reins on that one. Why is marriage such a big deal? I've thought about this long and hard and I can only come to one conclusion. I think that marriage is held in such high regard by God because he uses it as a model of our relationship with Him (personally and the Church's relationship with Him). Even though we fail him and mess up so many times and give him so many reasons for Him to leave us, He never does and He never will. He promised that no matter what, He would always stick by our side. He sees the worst in us and still loves us with tons of compassion. When we fall at His feet crying out to him in repentance, his forgiveness is quick to meet us. What a love! So remember when you are tripping tomorrow or when you fall short (we always will)- He still LOVES you!
Saturday, March 1, 2014
A Little Goes a Long Way
Then Jesus
lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He
said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat…" One of His
disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said to Him, “There is a lad here who
has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?”
Then Jesus said, “Make the people sit down…” So the men sat down, in number
about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves, and when He had given thanks He
distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those sitting
down; and likewise of the fish, as much as they wanted. So when
they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the fragments that
remain, so that nothing is lost.” Therefore they gathered them up, and
filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which were
left over by those who had eaten. John 6:5-13

Monday, February 3, 2014
The Deep Things of God
"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so, no one know the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. " I Corinthians 2:9-12
Do you ever dream of knowing what God has for you on this earth and in the eternal realm? Do you ever hunger to know Him in the deepest parts- to know His heart, His will, and His thoughts? The scripture above tell us that no one has seen or heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who LOVE him. I used to think that this verse applied to everyone and that no one was meant to know certain aspects of God, but then realized I was wrong. The verse continues, "But God has revealed them to us through His spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God." It continues by telling us the purpose, "that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God." I've come to realize that it is not God's will to keep us in the dark about himself and the "deep things" that pertain to Him- in the now and in the eternal realm. The only requirement to receive the deep things of God is to walk in the spiritual and not the carnal (v. 14). This can be very difficult with the demands of life, but I believe there is also a hunger like never before to know God in his power and depth. This year, like never before, I want to tap into the secrets of God, into his reservoir of spiritual wealth. He is pushing us like never before to seek, to knock, to ask. The treasures of life and His amazing ways are at our fingertips, if we will demonstrate a willingness to find them. Let this be a year of discovering greater dimensions of God like never before!
Love and blessings,
Do you ever dream of knowing what God has for you on this earth and in the eternal realm? Do you ever hunger to know Him in the deepest parts- to know His heart, His will, and His thoughts? The scripture above tell us that no one has seen or heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who LOVE him. I used to think that this verse applied to everyone and that no one was meant to know certain aspects of God, but then realized I was wrong. The verse continues, "But God has revealed them to us through His spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God." It continues by telling us the purpose, "that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God." I've come to realize that it is not God's will to keep us in the dark about himself and the "deep things" that pertain to Him- in the now and in the eternal realm. The only requirement to receive the deep things of God is to walk in the spiritual and not the carnal (v. 14). This can be very difficult with the demands of life, but I believe there is also a hunger like never before to know God in his power and depth. This year, like never before, I want to tap into the secrets of God, into his reservoir of spiritual wealth. He is pushing us like never before to seek, to knock, to ask. The treasures of life and His amazing ways are at our fingertips, if we will demonstrate a willingness to find them. Let this be a year of discovering greater dimensions of God like never before!
Love and blessings,
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