For the past week, my 8th grade class has been examining the reform movement that swept across the United States in the 1800s and early 1900s. We've been looking at the women's suffrage movement and the anti-slavery, abolitionist movement. It's been inspiring to read the stories of Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Harriet Tubman, to name a few. Each of them took up the fight for women's suffrage, to end slavery, or both by using the gifts God had given them. Some fought using their voice to give speeches, some fought with their pen, writing passionate articles or writing controversial books, some of which were banned. Some protested in the streets while some went into politics to affect change in society. Each did something different, but each DID something. It is so empowering to see ordinary people fight for what they believed in using their God-given gifts. They could have been selfish and chosen to remain comfortable and complacent, but they chose to give their entire life to the cause, even being persecuted for their courageous actions.
As I discussed this with my students, it occurred to me that I have some of the most amazing students who are already gifted with some of the most awesome talents. I have writers in my classroom, artists (they'll blow your socks off), passionate speakers, technology geniuses, actors/actresses, and so many others. I encouraged them to release their talents and to use them to bless others. As I spoke to them, I felt my own gifts being released in me- the power to encourage, the power to write, the power to speak to people who are broken.
My encouragement to you today is to release those gifts with which God has empowered you. Some of you might be telling yourself that you do not possess any talents, but you are wrong. Your talent may not be fully revealed to you, but it's there, waiting to be unburied from your passionate soul. It's there waiting to be noticed. What makes you happy? What do you feel a strong desire to do? Notice I didn't ask what you are good at. Sometimes, our gifts and talents must be nurtured and practiced before they can be great. In essence, your gifts and talents may need to be developed more. Although I know writing is my gift, I know I have a long ways to go before I'm a great writer. However, I am willing to practice writing, take classes, learn from other great writers, and willing to make errors so that I can learn from them. Lastly, although you can use your talent for any purpose, consider using it for a meaningful and lasting cause like the cause of Jesus Christ. He gave you your gifts so use them to glorify him. When you use your gifts for Him and unto Him, he will develop your talent in ways you could never imagine. I leave you with this quote:
Your talent is God's gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God. ~Leo Buscaglio
Please watch this inspiring video of Maria Chiossi whose gift is to make music: